Hvis du elsker Judge’s flyveegenskaber, men ønsker at den havde mindre bead og lidt mindre fade, er du i godt selskab med 2010 verdensmester Eric McCabe. I hans søgen efter sin go-to-putter henvendte Eric sig til Jeremy Rusco og Latitude 64 for at udvikle en putter, der har egenskaber mellem Judge og Warden, og EMAC-Judge blev resultatet. EMAC Judge har en utrolig god følelse hånden med en microbead, der sikrer et rent release. Disc Golf spillere, der bruger EMAC-Judge til indspil, vil elske den neutrale stabilitet med et minimalt fade ved afslutningen, og de, der putter med den, får et lige putt med mindre fade end den oprindelige Judge. Eric er kendt for sin verdensklasses putting, så hvis du leder efter en putter, der tager dit spil til det næste niveau, skal du ikke lede længere end EMAC-Judge!
If you love the flight of the Judge but wish it had less of a bead and a bit less fade, you’re in good company with 2010 World Champion, Eric McCabe. In the quest for his go-to putter, Eric approached Jeremy Rusco and Latitude 64 about creating a putter that sits in between the Judge and the Warden, and the EMAC Judge is the result. The EMAC Judge features an incredible feel in your hand with a microbead that ensures a smooth release. Disc golfers using the EMAC Judge for approach shots will love the neutral stability with a subtle finish, and those putting with it will find a consistent flight with less diving fade than the original Judge. Eric is known for his world-class putting, so if you’re looking for a putter that will take your game to the next level, look no further than the EMAC Judge!
Speed: 2, Glide: 4, Turn: 0, Fade: 1.